I wanted to talk about something that has been a HUGE factor in many of my skincare and household purchases. As much as I love flashy packaging and a gorgeous fragrance, I've always been someone who considers the impact my choices will make on my family's sensitive skin first and over the years have made a few lifestyle changes to keep us feeling...
This year for me has been a huge process of working hard to keep my skin clear and find routines that are quick, easy, and can fit into my crazy mom life. It goes without saying that I’ve been so ready to leave my hormonal adult acne behind including the several rounds that popped up this past year from pregnancy, breastfeeding, and medicines from getting...
I can't believe Summer is already here! I don't know if it's because LA winter lasted so long this year or because our family was hit so hard with cold & flu season, but I feel like the weather skipped Spring completely and jumped right into shorts weather! That means it's high time to stock up on some of my favorite skincare go-to's...
It's finally AUTUMN and you know what that means! Cozy sweaters. Hot chocolate. A husband who stops complaining about being overheated (I have a sneaking suspicion that guys were intentionally made warm to balance out our naturally freezing toes. Maybe it's just me. ;) And of course, maybe my favorite part of all is Halloween. I've always loved any good excuse to dress...
Us exactly 1 year ago when Aria was tiny and I held all my secrets in that long hair Disclosure: Post sponsored by RB These last two years have been an incredible whirlwind of new experiences and emotions, becoming new parents and now being pregnant with our second. Even today, we noticed that Aria was eating like a hungry hungry hippo, which means...
The other day I was having a chat with my husband about how when we were single, we got bored from having too much free time. Then, after jobs and marriage we felt like we never had enough time to do everything we wanted to do, but looking back we actually had so much choice about our leisure activities. Now, between wrangling impressive blowouts from...
Ever since having my baby girl 5 months ago, there have been many days where I admittedly didn't put myself first. Okay, so maybe that is basically everyday with a newborn, but I digress. As a new mom you just don't get the luxuries of going out wherever you want at any time of night or day but because I'm so in love with motherhood...